What is Considered a Good ROAS?
Now you know your ROAS, what do people generally consider to be a good ROAS? Bare in mind your ROAS is something individual to your business, what might be good or bad on average might be different for you!
4.0 or Less ROAS
If your return on ad spend is less than 4 there is a chance that you might be losing money. This depends on your exact circumstances but there will likely be some big opportunities for further optimisation.
4.0 Or More ROAS
If you are acheiving more than 4 return on ad spend then you have already made some good progress with your ads. That being said, don’t stop now! There might still be room for improvement.
8.0 Or More ROAS
Perfect, if you are hitting anything above 8 return on ad spend then the chances are you are running a very profitable campaign.
Most Asked ROAS Questions
Paying close attention to your ROAS and understanding what that means can have a huge impact on your profitability and the performance of your ads. Here are some of the questions we get asked the most!
What is ROAS?
ROAS stands for return on ad spend. ROAS is a marketing metric that measures the amount of revenue that is earned for every dollar that you spend on advertising. You can calculate ROAS by using our calculator down below. Calculating your ROAS is fairly easy and is something you should keep track of. We will explain why.
How do I calculate ROAS?
The formula that you use to calculate ROAS is that you divide your brand’s revenue by your total marketing spend. When calculating your total revenue, remember to include your affiliate commission costs, vendor costs, personnel salary, and other fees specific to certain ad groups, for example, cost per click. An example of calculating your ROAS is if you spend £500 on shopping campaigns in a month and during this month these shopping campaigns have generated a revenue of £3000. You would then divide the £3000 by the £500.
Why should I use a ROAS calculator?
ROAS is one of the most important metrics that all business owners who advertise should monitor. Just to be clear ROAS is not the only metric that you should be monitoring but it gives you a good idea of how your ads are performing and if there are any ad campaigns that you should be spending more of your budget on as some campaigns will naturally perform better than others.
What are benefits of measuring ROAS?
ROAS is one of the most important metrics that all business owners who advertise should monitor. Just to be clear ROAS is not the only metric that you should be monitoring but it gives you a good idea of how your ads are performing and if there are any ad campaigns that you should be spending more of your budget on as some campaigns will naturally perform better than others.
How to improve your ROAS?
Ways to improve your ROAS is to increase your conversion value and decrease costs that you spend on ads. If you increase your conversion value for no reason this can create an artificially high ROAS, even though you can do things to decrease the amount you spend, for example, spending most of your budget on profitable campaigns. If you lower your ad spend or have too many bids on your CPC this can lead to your ads being seen less. To improve your ROAS you will ensure that you are sticking to your budget as well as ensuring that your ads are being seen as often as possible by the audience you want to target.
Another way in which you can increase your ROAS is by using audience targeting. Identifying your audience is crucial. The ideal thing to do is to create a buyer persona and investigate the different segments you want to target. By personalising your campaigns, you will target the right type of customers thus encouraging them to click on your ads.
What is a good ROAS?
ROAS is affected by profit margins, operating expenses, and the overall health of the business. Good ROAS tends to sit at a 4:1 ratio this means £4 revenue to £1 ad spend. If you are a start-up business with a smaller budget you may need higher margins whereas established businesses, for example, JD Sports they can afford to have higher advertising costs. As a business, you can only define your ROAS goal when you have a defined budget and a firm handle on your budget’s profit margins. If a business has a large margin, this means businesses can survive low ROAS whereas having smaller margins means that a business must maintain low advertising costs.
What are the challenges with ROAS?
ROAS can be considered a vanity metric, ROAS sometimes is not seen as something that can contribute to long-term business viability. ROAS only measures the cost of a single stream of advertising spending against the revenue that may or may not be sole to that spend. ROAS does not represent the entire customer journey, however, it is good as a business owner to look at a customer’s journey to see how they came about finding your website and why they made the purchase. If you are looking at your customer’s journey through ROAS you will miss all of the digital touchpoints.
However, ROAS is one of the most useful metrics that you can use, as you can get a good idea of how well your marketing strategy is working and doing the work that it is meant to do which is to drive more revenue. Using our ROAS calculator you can work out your ROAS very easily however how you choose to use your ROAS data can have a big impact on your business.